Every content marketing strategy has to be complex to be successful. Good digital marketers know that a single component of content won't bring the desired results, or if it does, it is not going to last for long. Therefore, if you want your business to take full advantage of the powerful tool that content marketing is, you need to learn how and where to use different pieces, and why this is important. Today is your lucky day, because I'm going to teach you just that.

Where, How and Why should you use written content?
First and foremost, you need a brilliant, converting web copy. Your website is usually the face of your brand for the world to see, so the words you use on there have to be carefully and wisely selected. Avoid cliches, ask rhetoric questions that relate to your customer's reality and provide valuable information. Apart from the main pages on your website, your blog will make a huge digital performance difference, so make sure you write and do it often. Be original in your posts and take some time to create strong and catchy headlines. This will boost your SEO and web traffic.
Make use of some great written content platforms like Medium, LinkedIn and Facebook. You can share parts of your blog posts on there with a link to the original one or create brand new stories to boost your profile. Twitter is also a great place for words, even if you have to fit into a 140-character bracket. It is where masters of speech can truly unveil their talent. Being active on social media shows engagement and will help you build the trust between your brand and customers.
Last but not least, write and distribute press releases. They are relatively easy to compose and should be submitted only to media sources that are related to your brand or your target market. For example, if you are a beauty brand, send your press release to Cosmopolitan and Glamour. If you've done a really good job in writing and your product/piece of information is brilliant, they will publish it on their pages. It is probably the painless and least expensive way to market your brand offline and reach another set of potential customers.

Where, How and Why should you use imagery content?
Images are very important part of your content marketing mix as they transmit the message much quicker than most forms of written content. Just one look at a picture sometimes can complete the decision making process of a consumer. It is good to add relevant images to your website, either to showcase your products or to visualise the concept of your services. Even the catchiest slogan or headline works better when combined with a high quality image. Having photographs of your team members or products on the official brand website also shows credibility and makes consumers more inclined to purchase what you are offering.
Imagery content should be used on social media at all times. Best places to do that are Pinterest, Instagram and Facebook. If your products target the younger generation (under 25) add SnapChat to your social media business accounts. Don't only display the items you sell. Instead, inspire through pictures and show your public what's going on behind the scenes. Remember, consumers love you to be personal!

Where, How and Why should you use video content?
Quick quiz: What is the number one content marketing trend for 2018? If you don't know the answer, you must have skipped my previous post. Those of you who whispered "video" in your head, well done, your reading is up to date! You can't achieve great results without adding video to your content marketing campaigns. The best places to do that will be your social media accounts - Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Periscope and SnapChat. All of them, excluding the last, let you stream live videos which is "the thing" in content marketing, currently and in the near future. Live videos allow you to reach potential customers outside of your follower base.
Apart from live streaming, you should add product videos, fun videos, gifs and informative videos. Let your customers know that your page is the place to go to when they need a breather from the mundane everyday life or if they want to learn something new. Providing value is what ultimately brings conversions.

Need more help with your content marketing strategy? Let's chat. Keep in mind, if you are a mompreneur or a student, owning a business, you get 40% off all services until 15th September. Take advantage while you can!