This isn't the type of post you usually see on this blog, but today is a very special day and this is a very special post. Once again, cake and a "happy birthday" song are in order. Mariella Blago Consultancy is 4 and this is the 100th post on the blog!!! Wow, how time flies!
Exactly 1461 days ago I began writing content for businesses. My first project was assigned by a British company for homeware products. I had to write 50 product descriptions of door knobs and I was paid $30 for it. Yes, not pound sterling... 30 US dollars. Minus the fees I had to pay to the freelancer platform I got the project through. MBC spent 9 months on that platform, completing over 50 projects for business owners all over the world (yes, from every continent, except Antarctica), including a book edit for a self-publishing author! Then the website was created and since the summer of 2017, the MBC blog provides regular content on marketing and business related topics to all our readers. I became We.
For 4 years, we've grown a lot. Today, MBC provides an array of services in the digital marketing spectrum, including one-off and subscription packages. We have more than 30 regular clients and are in the process of expansion, hiring more permanent staff. We work in partnership with a website design and development company, a graphic designer and an events management agency.
MBC also gave birth to a new brand, created with the purpose to help and educate small and medium sized business owners on the best practises of social media and other digital platforms use for business. That's Teach Me How To Biz. THMTB provides regular training events in different parts of London, as well as some digital courses. Soon we are adding more topics and languages on the digital courses and here you can see the upcoming workshops on Pinterest Marketing and Facebook Ads Pro.
One of the biggest achievements for Mariella Blago Consultancy is our nomination in 4 categories in the first Bulgarian Business Awards in the UK. The categories are:
Small to Medium Size Business of the Year
Internet Business of the Year
Customer Focus Award
Inspirational Business/Personality of the Year
We are now finalists in two of these categories - Internet Business of the Year and Customer Focus Award, which is indeed a huge reason to be proud. The winner in these categories will be chosen by a specially selected jury of Bulgarian and British professionals and public figures and announced on the Awards Ceremony in mid April. Be sure to hear about the outcome of this on MBC blog and our social media channels first!
Meanwhile, there's also an Audience Award, which we will be honoured to receive if YOU consider us worthy of your vote. In fact, it will be the best birthday gift ever! 🎂🎁
You can support Mariella Blago Consultancy in the competition for the Audience Award by registering on the Bulgarian Business Awards in the UK website and voting for MBC. Here's a link to do it.
Good manners and generosity commands, as the founder and main face behind MBC, I treat you to a slice of birthday cake, even if it is only virtually. Fully in the spirit of our Internet Business of the Year nomination!