This must be the last day you'd want to read business blogs, busy in Christmas preparations and relaxing with the family. But this blog post is different. I'm not going to teach you any social media strategies, not bombarding you with SEO tips or talking about digital marketing and other business trends for 2019. No. This is a blog post with one and only purpose. Showing appreciation.
2018 has been a great year for MBC, and I will not get tired of repeating this. It's not bragging, because we didn't hit 6 digit turnover or worked with major worldwide famous account. But what we did through the year can only be defined as accelerated progress. I believe, whenever you see a positive change and you register a win, you must celebrate and you must give thanks. No matter how big or small that win was. That's exactly what I'm doing today, a few hours shy of the warmest holiday of the year. A holiday about humility, kindness, gratitude, appreciation and love. On Christmas Eve, I want to showcase the people who made MBC's progress a reality that we can be proud of. Our customers of 2018, with the majority of whom, we hope and believe we will still be working in 2019.
Ladies and Gentlemen, with my deepest respect and gratitude, I present to you the business stars of today and our angels of the year.
Flower College London - coming soon
We provided different services for every of the listed business above. Some trusted us for SEO and content creation, others enjoyed our branding services and animated videos, social media strategy and ad creation, and became proud owners of lovely new websites. My colleagues and I want to say a huge THANK YOU to all! We wouldn't be here today without you. Have a very merry Christmas and we hope to continue our lovely working relationship in the new year!