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Planning Ahead - How to Make Your 2019 Successful

I can't believe we are less than a month away from 2019. It feels like this year galloped through, but it was more than a good one, in both personal and business terms for me. MBC has developed so much and has achieved more than what I initially planned for it. Ah, planning! That's exactly what we are going to talk about today.

We are used to making New Year's resolutions and swear to follow them from the 1st of January. But what if I told you you don't need New Year's Day, or first of the month, or even a Monday to start acting on your dreams and goals. The best time to do it was yesterday, second best is today. So let's not miss that chance. Plan your actions ahead if you really want to make your 2019 successful.

How to make 2019 successful

Set Your Goals for the Year by Categories

Success isn't just depending on smart business planning. A bright entrepreneur will not get far if they are lacking in other areas of their life and struggling to get their breakthrough. So, to make sure your 2019 is truly fulfilling, set your goals for the year for each area of your life.

  • Romantic relationship

  • Family life

  • Social life

  • Health and wellbeing

  • Financial standing

  • Personal growth

  • Business growth

What do you want to achieve in each of these categories during the coming year that will make you feel like a successful person? A crucial thing to remember here is that you must always set realistic goals. There's nothing wrong in dreaming big, but you need to know how much you can truly achieve in 365 days if you put the maximum of your efforts and determination into it. Be ambitious, but realistic so you can push yourself to work hard and stay focused, but avoid being disappointed in the end.

Goal diggar

Write Down the Actions You Will Take to Achieve Your Goals

Goals without actions are just dreams. It's ok to have plenty of dreams, but if you want results, you have to start doing. Now that you have the goals in each area of your life, you need to outline the specific actions you are going to take so these goals become results by the end of 2019.

planner on working desk

Use What You've Learned Before

Smart people learn from their mistakes, successful people learn from the mistakes of others. Use the lessons you've received in 2018 to plan 2019 in a better way. Release your mind from unnecessary information and your surroundings from things and people that don't bring value. Take all the skills and knowledge you've acquired so far and transfer them to the new year as the base for your future goal chasing implementation. Build on what you have already created and make it more sustainable, desirable and exclusive.

textbook with bookmarks

Create a Vision Board

We humans are very visual beings. There is immense power in visualising your goals, no matter what area in your life they sit in. So, make a vision board and keep it in a place where you will see it every day. The images you put there will represent the things you want to achieve in 2019. The more you look at them, the more your mind will accept them as your reality and the more motivated you will be to work hard and see them materialise.

Vision board

Stay Accountable

70% of people fail in their endeavour to achieve their goals because they don't make themselves accountable to anyone. Why is accountability so important? When you share your goals and ideas with someone who understands your drive and is ready to support you emotionally and mentally along the way, it makes it easier to want to keep putting the efforts until the image in your head matches the image in your front. Not only that, it makes it much harder to give up, because you may disappoint that person, who believed in you so much. Even if they didn't you wouldn't look like a failure in the eyes of someone else by being very big on words and showing very few results. So you keep pushing.

Not everyone who's decided to start a business has been lucky enough to find the support and encouragement they needed within their family. If that sounds like your situation too, you are not alone! Find a small circle of people or just one mentor/coach/friend/fellow business person to whom you can stay accountable throughout the year. Share your goals with them and the actions you've planned on taking in order to achieve the goals. Business groups or smaller communities are perfect to find such individuals and help each other grow together.

If you are looking for a place like this, I invite you to join the Teach Me How to Biz Facebook group. We are a very small group because we pay a lot more attention to the quality of our members, than the quantity. From the beginning of 2019, we will share useful tips on growing your business through various tools and strategies, we will also support each other's entrepreneurial journey from start to infinity. If it sounds like a place you want to be, just follow this link.

Business meeting accountability

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